My Goal: Islamic Renaissance
I believe that the practical implementation of Islamic teaching will usher in the next Golden Age of Islam. I believe that in this game called life, Islam and Muslims have the solutions to all of today’s problems. I’m commited to building and supporting ambitious people, projects, companies and movements that want to rebalance and correct the game to support and uplift all.
My dream is to support an Islamic Renaissance where Muslims are the leaders of every field and just cause. I want to find, nurture and champion the upcoming Muslim- Oprah, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, JK Rowling, Malcom X, Mohammad Ali ect.- the ambitious game changing Muslims who understand that in order to achieve their bold dreams they must do the hard inner work on themselves.
“Indeed, Allah will not change a condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. ”
I believe it is my calling to support those who are trying to change themselves. Without each of us finding inner peace there can be no outer peace.