As salamu alaykum,
I'm Zahra, it's nice to meet you!
For a long time, I'd internalized a toxic belief that Allah was against me and punishing me for all the wrong I do. I beat myself up feeling like I wasn't a good person and that I was a 'bad' Muslim. I had big dreams, and although I was making progress towards them it was slow and painful.
Alhamdulillah I've been freed from those negative thoughts and beliefs. I now understand that Allah wants what is best for me, that my goodness outweighs the bad and that I have tremendous support. The shift in my mindset has profoundly impacted my life- I walk through the world knowing that I'm being blessed every step of the way. I have more peace, love and opportunity in my life than I ever thought was possible.
Allah has blessed me with the gift of being able to shift peoples perspective and guide them out of a negative mindset and into a positive one. Which means I can help you unlock your potential to pursue and succeed at your dreams.
If you believe that there must be more to Islam- your right, there is much more and amazingly it all comes from within!